Source code for dns.asyncquery

# Copyright (C) Dnspython Contributors, see LICENSE for text of ISC license

# Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Nominum, Inc.
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted,
# provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice
# appear in all copies.

"""Talk to a DNS server."""

import base64
import contextlib
import random
import socket
import struct
import time
import urllib.parse
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union

import dns.asyncbackend
import dns.exception
import dns.inet
import dns.message
import dns.quic
import dns.rcode
import dns.rdataclass
import dns.rdatatype
import dns.transaction
from dns._asyncbackend import NullContext
from dns.query import (

if have_doh:
    import httpx

# for brevity
_lltuple = dns.inet.low_level_address_tuple

def _source_tuple(af, address, port):
    # Make a high level source tuple, or return None if address and port
    # are both None
    if address or port:
        if address is None:
            if af == socket.AF_INET:
                address = ""
            elif af == socket.AF_INET6:
                address = "::"
                raise NotImplementedError(f"unknown address family {af}")
        return (address, port)
        return None

def _timeout(expiration, now=None):
    if expiration is not None:
        if not now:
            now = time.time()
        return max(expiration - now, 0)
        return None

[docs] async def send_udp( sock: dns.asyncbackend.DatagramSocket, what: Union[dns.message.Message, bytes], destination: Any, expiration: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Tuple[int, float]: """Send a DNS message to the specified UDP socket. *sock*, a ``dns.asyncbackend.DatagramSocket``. *what*, a ``bytes`` or ``dns.message.Message``, the message to send. *destination*, a destination tuple appropriate for the address family of the socket, specifying where to send the query. *expiration*, a ``float`` or ``None``, the absolute time at which a timeout exception should be raised. If ``None``, no timeout will occur. The expiration value is meaningless for the asyncio backend, as asyncio's transport sendto() never blocks. Returns an ``(int, float)`` tuple of bytes sent and the sent time. """ if isinstance(what, dns.message.Message): what = what.to_wire() sent_time = time.time() n = await sock.sendto(what, destination, _timeout(expiration, sent_time)) return (n, sent_time)
[docs] async def receive_udp( sock: dns.asyncbackend.DatagramSocket, destination: Optional[Any] = None, expiration: Optional[float] = None, ignore_unexpected: bool = False, one_rr_per_rrset: bool = False, keyring: Optional[Dict[, dns.tsig.Key]] = None, request_mac: Optional[bytes] = b"", ignore_trailing: bool = False, raise_on_truncation: bool = False, ignore_errors: bool = False, query: Optional[dns.message.Message] = None, ) -> Any: """Read a DNS message from a UDP socket. *sock*, a ``dns.asyncbackend.DatagramSocket``. See :py:func:`dns.query.receive_udp()` for the documentation of the other parameters, and exceptions. Returns a ``(dns.message.Message, float, tuple)`` tuple of the received message, the received time, and the address where the message arrived from. """ wire = b"" while True: (wire, from_address) = await sock.recvfrom(65535, _timeout(expiration)) if not _matches_destination(, from_address, destination, ignore_unexpected ): continue received_time = time.time() try: r = dns.message.from_wire( wire, keyring=keyring, request_mac=request_mac, one_rr_per_rrset=one_rr_per_rrset, ignore_trailing=ignore_trailing, raise_on_truncation=raise_on_truncation, ) except dns.message.Truncated as e: # See the comment in for details. if ( ignore_errors and query is not None and not query.is_response(e.message()) ): continue else: raise except Exception: if ignore_errors: continue else: raise if ignore_errors and query is not None and not query.is_response(r): continue return (r, received_time, from_address)
[docs] async def udp( q: dns.message.Message, where: str, timeout: Optional[float] = None, port: int = 53, source: Optional[str] = None, source_port: int = 0, ignore_unexpected: bool = False, one_rr_per_rrset: bool = False, ignore_trailing: bool = False, raise_on_truncation: bool = False, sock: Optional[dns.asyncbackend.DatagramSocket] = None, backend: Optional[dns.asyncbackend.Backend] = None, ignore_errors: bool = False, ) -> dns.message.Message: """Return the response obtained after sending a query via UDP. *sock*, a ``dns.asyncbackend.DatagramSocket``, or ``None``, the socket to use for the query. If ``None``, the default, a socket is created. Note that if a socket is provided, the *source*, *source_port*, and *backend* are ignored. *backend*, a ``dns.asyncbackend.Backend``, or ``None``. If ``None``, the default, then dnspython will use the default backend. See :py:func:`dns.query.udp()` for the documentation of the other parameters, exceptions, and return type of this method. """ wire = q.to_wire() (begin_time, expiration) = _compute_times(timeout) af = dns.inet.af_for_address(where) destination = _lltuple((where, port), af) if sock: cm: contextlib.AbstractAsyncContextManager = NullContext(sock) else: if not backend: backend = dns.asyncbackend.get_default_backend() stuple = _source_tuple(af, source, source_port) if backend.datagram_connection_required(): dtuple = (where, port) else: dtuple = None cm = await backend.make_socket(af, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, 0, stuple, dtuple) async with cm as s: await send_udp(s, wire, destination, expiration) (r, received_time, _) = await receive_udp( s, destination, expiration, ignore_unexpected, one_rr_per_rrset, q.keyring, q.mac, ignore_trailing, raise_on_truncation, ignore_errors, q, ) r.time = received_time - begin_time # We don't need to check q.is_response() if we are in ignore_errors mode # as receive_udp() will have checked it. if not (ignore_errors or q.is_response(r)): raise BadResponse return r
[docs] async def udp_with_fallback( q: dns.message.Message, where: str, timeout: Optional[float] = None, port: int = 53, source: Optional[str] = None, source_port: int = 0, ignore_unexpected: bool = False, one_rr_per_rrset: bool = False, ignore_trailing: bool = False, udp_sock: Optional[dns.asyncbackend.DatagramSocket] = None, tcp_sock: Optional[dns.asyncbackend.StreamSocket] = None, backend: Optional[dns.asyncbackend.Backend] = None, ignore_errors: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[dns.message.Message, bool]: """Return the response to the query, trying UDP first and falling back to TCP if UDP results in a truncated response. *udp_sock*, a ``dns.asyncbackend.DatagramSocket``, or ``None``, the socket to use for the UDP query. If ``None``, the default, a socket is created. Note that if a socket is provided the *source*, *source_port*, and *backend* are ignored for the UDP query. *tcp_sock*, a ``dns.asyncbackend.StreamSocket``, or ``None``, the socket to use for the TCP query. If ``None``, the default, a socket is created. Note that if a socket is provided *where*, *source*, *source_port*, and *backend* are ignored for the TCP query. *backend*, a ``dns.asyncbackend.Backend``, or ``None``. If ``None``, the default, then dnspython will use the default backend. See :py:func:`dns.query.udp_with_fallback()` for the documentation of the other parameters, exceptions, and return type of this method. """ try: response = await udp( q, where, timeout, port, source, source_port, ignore_unexpected, one_rr_per_rrset, ignore_trailing, True, udp_sock, backend, ignore_errors, ) return (response, False) except dns.message.Truncated: response = await tcp( q, where, timeout, port, source, source_port, one_rr_per_rrset, ignore_trailing, tcp_sock, backend, ) return (response, True)
[docs] async def send_tcp( sock: dns.asyncbackend.StreamSocket, what: Union[dns.message.Message, bytes], expiration: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Tuple[int, float]: """Send a DNS message to the specified TCP socket. *sock*, a ``dns.asyncbackend.StreamSocket``. See :py:func:`dns.query.send_tcp()` for the documentation of the other parameters, exceptions, and return type of this method. """ if isinstance(what, dns.message.Message): tcpmsg = what.to_wire(prepend_length=True) else: # copying the wire into tcpmsg is inefficient, but lets us # avoid writev() or doing a short write that would get pushed # onto the net tcpmsg = len(what).to_bytes(2, "big") + what sent_time = time.time() await sock.sendall(tcpmsg, _timeout(expiration, sent_time)) return (len(tcpmsg), sent_time)
async def _read_exactly(sock, count, expiration): """Read the specified number of bytes from stream. Keep trying until we either get the desired amount, or we hit EOF. """ s = b"" while count > 0: n = await sock.recv(count, _timeout(expiration)) if n == b"": raise EOFError count = count - len(n) s = s + n return s
[docs] async def receive_tcp( sock: dns.asyncbackend.StreamSocket, expiration: Optional[float] = None, one_rr_per_rrset: bool = False, keyring: Optional[Dict[, dns.tsig.Key]] = None, request_mac: Optional[bytes] = b"", ignore_trailing: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[dns.message.Message, float]: """Read a DNS message from a TCP socket. *sock*, a ``dns.asyncbackend.StreamSocket``. See :py:func:`dns.query.receive_tcp()` for the documentation of the other parameters, exceptions, and return type of this method. """ ldata = await _read_exactly(sock, 2, expiration) (l,) = struct.unpack("!H", ldata) wire = await _read_exactly(sock, l, expiration) received_time = time.time() r = dns.message.from_wire( wire, keyring=keyring, request_mac=request_mac, one_rr_per_rrset=one_rr_per_rrset, ignore_trailing=ignore_trailing, ) return (r, received_time)
[docs] async def tcp( q: dns.message.Message, where: str, timeout: Optional[float] = None, port: int = 53, source: Optional[str] = None, source_port: int = 0, one_rr_per_rrset: bool = False, ignore_trailing: bool = False, sock: Optional[dns.asyncbackend.StreamSocket] = None, backend: Optional[dns.asyncbackend.Backend] = None, ) -> dns.message.Message: """Return the response obtained after sending a query via TCP. *sock*, a ``dns.asyncbacket.StreamSocket``, or ``None``, the socket to use for the query. If ``None``, the default, a socket is created. Note that if a socket is provided *where*, *port*, *source*, *source_port*, and *backend* are ignored. *backend*, a ``dns.asyncbackend.Backend``, or ``None``. If ``None``, the default, then dnspython will use the default backend. See :py:func:`dns.query.tcp()` for the documentation of the other parameters, exceptions, and return type of this method. """ wire = q.to_wire() (begin_time, expiration) = _compute_times(timeout) if sock: # Verify that the socket is connected, as if it's not connected, # it's not writable, and the polling in send_tcp() will time out or # hang forever. await sock.getpeername() cm: contextlib.AbstractAsyncContextManager = NullContext(sock) else: # These are simple (address, port) pairs, not family-dependent tuples # you pass to low-level socket code. af = dns.inet.af_for_address(where) stuple = _source_tuple(af, source, source_port) dtuple = (where, port) if not backend: backend = dns.asyncbackend.get_default_backend() cm = await backend.make_socket( af, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, stuple, dtuple, timeout ) async with cm as s: await send_tcp(s, wire, expiration) (r, received_time) = await receive_tcp( s, expiration, one_rr_per_rrset, q.keyring, q.mac, ignore_trailing ) r.time = received_time - begin_time if not q.is_response(r): raise BadResponse return r
[docs] async def tls( q: dns.message.Message, where: str, timeout: Optional[float] = None, port: int = 853, source: Optional[str] = None, source_port: int = 0, one_rr_per_rrset: bool = False, ignore_trailing: bool = False, sock: Optional[dns.asyncbackend.StreamSocket] = None, backend: Optional[dns.asyncbackend.Backend] = None, ssl_context: Optional[ssl.SSLContext] = None, server_hostname: Optional[str] = None, verify: Union[bool, str] = True, ) -> dns.message.Message: """Return the response obtained after sending a query via TLS. *sock*, an ``asyncbackend.StreamSocket``, or ``None``, the socket to use for the query. If ``None``, the default, a socket is created. Note that if a socket is provided, it must be a connected SSL stream socket, and *where*, *port*, *source*, *source_port*, *backend*, *ssl_context*, and *server_hostname* are ignored. *backend*, a ``dns.asyncbackend.Backend``, or ``None``. If ``None``, the default, then dnspython will use the default backend. See :py:func:`dns.query.tls()` for the documentation of the other parameters, exceptions, and return type of this method. """ (begin_time, expiration) = _compute_times(timeout) if sock: cm: contextlib.AbstractAsyncContextManager = NullContext(sock) else: if ssl_context is None: ssl_context = _make_dot_ssl_context(server_hostname, verify) af = dns.inet.af_for_address(where) stuple = _source_tuple(af, source, source_port) dtuple = (where, port) if not backend: backend = dns.asyncbackend.get_default_backend() cm = await backend.make_socket( af, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0, stuple, dtuple, timeout, ssl_context, server_hostname, ) async with cm as s: timeout = _timeout(expiration) response = await tcp( q, where, timeout, port, source, source_port, one_rr_per_rrset, ignore_trailing, s, backend, ) end_time = time.time() response.time = end_time - begin_time return response
def _maybe_get_resolver( resolver: Optional["dns.asyncresolver.Resolver"], ) -> "dns.asyncresolver.Resolver": # We need a separate method for this to avoid overriding the global # variable "dns" with the as-yet undefined local variable "dns" # in https(). if resolver is None: # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,redefined-outer-name import dns.asyncresolver resolver = dns.asyncresolver.Resolver() return resolver
[docs] async def https( q: dns.message.Message, where: str, timeout: Optional[float] = None, port: int = 443, source: Optional[str] = None, source_port: int = 0, # pylint: disable=W0613 one_rr_per_rrset: bool = False, ignore_trailing: bool = False, client: Optional["httpx.AsyncClient"] = None, path: str = "/dns-query", post: bool = True, verify: Union[bool, str] = True, bootstrap_address: Optional[str] = None, resolver: Optional["dns.asyncresolver.Resolver"] = None, family: int = socket.AF_UNSPEC, http_version: HTTPVersion = HTTPVersion.DEFAULT, ) -> dns.message.Message: """Return the response obtained after sending a query via DNS-over-HTTPS. *client*, a ``httpx.AsyncClient``. If provided, the client to use for the query. Unlike the other dnspython async functions, a backend cannot be provided in this function because httpx always auto-detects the async backend. See :py:func:`dns.query.https()` for the documentation of the other parameters, exceptions, and return type of this method. """ try: af = dns.inet.af_for_address(where) except ValueError: af = None if af is not None and dns.inet.is_address(where): if af == socket.AF_INET: url = "https://{}:{}{}".format(where, port, path) elif af == socket.AF_INET6: url = "https://[{}]:{}{}".format(where, port, path) else: url = where if http_version == HTTPVersion.H3 or (http_version == HTTPVersion.DEFAULT and not have_doh): if bootstrap_address is None: parsed = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) resolver = _maybe_get_resolver(resolver) if parsed.hostname is None: raise ValueError("no hostname in URL") if dns.inet.is_address(parsed.hostname): bootstrap_address = parsed.hostname else: answers = await resolver.resolve_name(parsed.hostname, family) bootstrap_address = random.choice(list(answers.addresses())) if parsed.port is not None: port = parsed.port return await _http3( q, bootstrap_address, url, timeout, port, source, source_port, one_rr_per_rrset, ignore_trailing, verify=verify, post=post, ) if not have_doh: raise NoDOH # pragma: no cover if client and not isinstance(client, httpx.AsyncClient): raise ValueError("session parameter must be an httpx.AsyncClient") wire = q.to_wire() transport = None headers = {"accept": "application/dns-message"} h1 = http_version in (HTTPVersion.H1, HTTPVersion.DEFAULT) h2 = http_version in (HTTPVersion.H2, HTTPVersion.DEFAULT) backend = dns.asyncbackend.get_default_backend() if source is None: local_address = None local_port = 0 else: local_address = source local_port = source_port transport = backend.get_transport_class()( local_address=local_address, http1=h1, http2=h2, verify=verify, local_port=local_port, bootstrap_address=bootstrap_address, resolver=resolver, family=family, ) if client: cm: contextlib.AbstractAsyncContextManager = NullContext(client) else: cm = httpx.AsyncClient( http1=h1, http2=h2, verify=verify, transport=transport ) async with cm as the_client: # see for DoH # GET and POST examples if post: headers.update( { "content-type": "application/dns-message", "content-length": str(len(wire)), } ) response = await backend.wait_for(, headers=headers, content=wire), timeout ) else: wire = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(wire).rstrip(b"=") twire = wire.decode() # httpx does a repr() if we give it bytes response = await backend.wait_for( the_client.get(url, headers=headers, params={"dns": twire}), timeout ) # see for info about DoH # status codes if response.status_code < 200 or response.status_code > 299: raise ValueError( "{} responded with status code {}" "\nResponse body: {!r}".format( where, response.status_code, response.content ) ) r = dns.message.from_wire( response.content, keyring=q.keyring, request_mac=q.request_mac, one_rr_per_rrset=one_rr_per_rrset, ignore_trailing=ignore_trailing, ) r.time = response.elapsed.total_seconds() if not q.is_response(r): raise BadResponse return r
async def _http3( q: dns.message.Message, where: str, url: str, timeout: Optional[float] = None, port: int = 853, source: Optional[str] = None, source_port: int = 0, one_rr_per_rrset: bool = False, ignore_trailing: bool = False, verify: Union[bool, str] = True, backend: Optional[dns.asyncbackend.Backend] = None, hostname: Optional[str] = None, post: bool = True, ) -> dns.message.Message: if not dns.quic.have_quic: raise NoDOH("DNS-over-HTTP3 is not available.") # pragma: no cover url_parts = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) hostname = url_parts.hostname = 0 wire = q.to_wire() (cfactory, mfactory) = dns.quic.factories_for_backend(backend) async with cfactory() as context: async with mfactory( context, verify_mode=verify, server_name=hostname, h3=True ) as the_manager: the_connection = the_manager.connect(where, port, source, source_port) (start, expiration) = _compute_times(timeout) stream = await the_connection.make_stream(timeout) async with stream: # note that send_h3() does not need await stream.send_h3(url, wire, post) wire = await stream.receive(_remaining(expiration)) _check_status(stream.headers(), where, wire) finish = time.time() r = dns.message.from_wire( wire, keyring=q.keyring, request_mac=q.request_mac, one_rr_per_rrset=one_rr_per_rrset, ignore_trailing=ignore_trailing, ) r.time = max(finish - start, 0.0) if not q.is_response(r): raise BadResponse return r
[docs] async def inbound_xfr( where: str, txn_manager: dns.transaction.TransactionManager, query: Optional[dns.message.Message] = None, port: int = 53, timeout: Optional[float] = None, lifetime: Optional[float] = None, source: Optional[str] = None, source_port: int = 0, udp_mode: UDPMode = UDPMode.NEVER, backend: Optional[dns.asyncbackend.Backend] = None, ) -> None: """Conduct an inbound transfer and apply it via a transaction from the txn_manager. *backend*, a ``dns.asyncbackend.Backend``, or ``None``. If ``None``, the default, then dnspython will use the default backend. See :py:func:`dns.query.inbound_xfr()` for the documentation of the other parameters, exceptions, and return type of this method. """ if query is None: (query, serial) = dns.xfr.make_query(txn_manager) else: serial = dns.xfr.extract_serial_from_query(query) rdtype = query.question[0].rdtype is_ixfr = rdtype == dns.rdatatype.IXFR origin = txn_manager.from_wire_origin() wire = query.to_wire() af = dns.inet.af_for_address(where) stuple = _source_tuple(af, source, source_port) dtuple = (where, port) (_, expiration) = _compute_times(lifetime) retry = True while retry: retry = False if is_ixfr and udp_mode != UDPMode.NEVER: sock_type = socket.SOCK_DGRAM is_udp = True else: sock_type = socket.SOCK_STREAM is_udp = False if not backend: backend = dns.asyncbackend.get_default_backend() s = await backend.make_socket( af, sock_type, 0, stuple, dtuple, _timeout(expiration) ) async with s: if is_udp: await s.sendto(wire, dtuple, _timeout(expiration)) else: tcpmsg = struct.pack("!H", len(wire)) + wire await s.sendall(tcpmsg, expiration) with dns.xfr.Inbound(txn_manager, rdtype, serial, is_udp) as inbound: done = False tsig_ctx = None while not done: (_, mexpiration) = _compute_times(timeout) if mexpiration is None or ( expiration is not None and mexpiration > expiration ): mexpiration = expiration if is_udp: destination = _lltuple((where, port), af) while True: timeout = _timeout(mexpiration) (rwire, from_address) = await s.recvfrom(65535, timeout) if _matches_destination( af, from_address, destination, True ): break else: ldata = await _read_exactly(s, 2, mexpiration) (l,) = struct.unpack("!H", ldata) rwire = await _read_exactly(s, l, mexpiration) is_ixfr = rdtype == dns.rdatatype.IXFR r = dns.message.from_wire( rwire, keyring=query.keyring, request_mac=query.mac, xfr=True, origin=origin, tsig_ctx=tsig_ctx, multi=(not is_udp), one_rr_per_rrset=is_ixfr, ) try: done = inbound.process_message(r) except dns.xfr.UseTCP: assert is_udp # should not happen if we used TCP! if udp_mode == UDPMode.ONLY: raise done = True retry = True udp_mode = UDPMode.NEVER continue tsig_ctx = r.tsig_ctx if not retry and query.keyring and not r.had_tsig: raise dns.exception.FormError("missing TSIG")
async def quic( q: dns.message.Message, where: str, timeout: Optional[float] = None, port: int = 853, source: Optional[str] = None, source_port: int = 0, one_rr_per_rrset: bool = False, ignore_trailing: bool = False, connection: Optional[dns.quic.AsyncQuicConnection] = None, verify: Union[bool, str] = True, backend: Optional[dns.asyncbackend.Backend] = None, hostname: Optional[str] = None, server_hostname: Optional[str] = None, ) -> dns.message.Message: """Return the response obtained after sending an asynchronous query via DNS-over-QUIC. *backend*, a ``dns.asyncbackend.Backend``, or ``None``. If ``None``, the default, then dnspython will use the default backend. See :py:func:`dns.query.quic()` for the documentation of the other parameters, exceptions, and return type of this method. """ if not dns.quic.have_quic: raise NoDOQ("DNS-over-QUIC is not available.") # pragma: no cover if server_hostname is not None and hostname is None: hostname = server_hostname = 0 wire = q.to_wire() the_connection: dns.quic.AsyncQuicConnection if connection: cfactory = dns.quic.null_factory mfactory = dns.quic.null_factory the_connection = connection else: (cfactory, mfactory) = dns.quic.factories_for_backend(backend) async with cfactory() as context: async with mfactory( context, verify_mode=verify, server_name=server_hostname, ) as the_manager: if not connection: the_connection = the_manager.connect(where, port, source, source_port) (start, expiration) = _compute_times(timeout) stream = await the_connection.make_stream(timeout) async with stream: await stream.send(wire, True) wire = await stream.receive(_remaining(expiration)) finish = time.time() r = dns.message.from_wire( wire, keyring=q.keyring, request_mac=q.request_mac, one_rr_per_rrset=one_rr_per_rrset, ignore_trailing=ignore_trailing, ) r.time = max(finish - start, 0.0) if not q.is_response(r): raise BadResponse return r